Social loafing

Social loafing

Paper instructions:
1. Social loafing can be a very detrimental practice to the effectiveness of an organization. Explain what is meant by this concept, and discuss three specific steps that managers can take to reduce or to eliminate this undesirable work behavior.
2. Compare and contrast intergroup conflict with intragroup conflict within an organization, and give a specific business example of each type of conflict.
3. Overall, are trade unions stronger in multinational or domestic corporations? Defend your response.
4. Union structures differ considerably among Western countries. If given the choice, which nation would you prefer to practice HRM within? Defend your answer.


Sport Injuries and Children
Paper instructions:
Do a thorough analysis of the topic based on your readings and research. Do not rely on just one source. Do not rely solely on internet sources. You MUST use at least three sources, of which (2) must be hard-copy books and/or magazine articles, to support your analysis. Mention your source (footnote) wherever appropriate. Also you must provide a bibliography.

Suggested Resources:
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Journal of Sport and Social Issues