Write an instructional plan for any learning situation. Include at least the following: Broad goals, specific learner objectives, learning activities, visual aids, equipment and an evaluation plan.

 Write an instructional plan for any learning situation. Include at least the following: Broad goals, specific learner objectives, learning activities, visual aids, equipment and an evaluation plan. The purpose of this final assignment is to combine everything that you have learned in the course into one instructional plan. As for the rest of the class, please be sure to submit a complete plan, including any materials needed for your lesson (e.g., powerpoint, instructor manual, video clips or youtube links, quiz items and answer sheet, handouts, etc). Check the rubric to see how grade is broken down for this assignment. Also, you should select an appropriate size of your lesson, not too big or too small. Example would be: Teaching how to use the PowerPoint program – too big for this class. Teaching how to save a file – too short and not appropriate. Teaching how to create a basic voice-over powerpoint presentation – just right Another important point I would like to make is about your learning objectives. Please DO NOT use any unmeasurable verb like understand, learn, appreciate, familiar, know, etc. A learning objective is what students would be able to DO as a result of your lesson. It is NOT what students would do DURING your lesson. I do use “turnitin” to check your work. If your originality score for your plan is higher than 10, please revise it. I will not grade any work with high originality scores. So for example, I choose to create a lesson plan on creating a class in Canvas. My lesson plan would have broad goals such as ‘the learner will be able to use Canvas’. It will then outline specific learner objectives. This is not at the level of ‘the learner will be able to use Canvas’, but rather things like, ‘the learner will be able to add different tools to their course. The learner will be able to upload files to their course’, etc. etc. etc. Based on those learning objectives, I will then decide what activities are best suited to teach each one. Some may be demonstrations, others may be self-guided assignment, etc. etc. I will also describe what kinds of equipment I will need. Based on my learning activities, I will probably need a computer lab, with internet access, a projector, a whiteboard or large poster, etc. etc. etc. Finally I will create an evaluation plan so that I will be able to determine if my instruction has actually taught the learners the skills/processes/content that I was hoping for. The final plan should be something you can hand off to somebody else and they can teach it for you. While you are writing it, ask yourself, “If I were to suddenly come down with the flu tomorrow, is this plan detailed enough that could I give this to a (knowledgeable) co-worker and they would be able to teach the topic? I am not going to set a page limit, but remember, this assignment is worth 100 points, and it’s your last chance to prove to me that you have learned and understand the material we have covered the past 15 weeks. Once you have completed your plan, submit it for grading. Attach your presentation if you’ve created one. Rubric