What was gained and what was lost in Japanese society because of the Meiji Restoration?

What was gained and what was lost in Japanese society because of the Meiji Restoration? Review the selection “On the Turn—Japan 1900” by Richard Perren on pages 305–315.

the essay should cover a minimum of three paragraphs, but
not more than six paragraphs
Format the paper using a standard font, such as 12-
point Times New Roman, double spaced. Set margins at the standard one
inch on all sides. A commonly used standard for research
papers is the American Psychological Society (APA).
Whenever governments decide to make changes that affect its citizens, most everyone can agree that is done in an attempt to make life better (a gain for all). However, in the process, certain things are lost as well. That is the topic of this paper. Discuss what



was lost and what was gained, as well as the effect those losses and gains had on the people of Japan.
Once you have a topic and have a strategy in mind, organize
your thoughts in an outline something like this one:
I. Introduction
A. Topic and opinion
B. Reason why you chose this topic (Note: Your reason
must be different from your opinion.)
II. First Claim
A. Statement related to your topic
B. Researched support for the statement
C. Objections and refutations based on your research
III. Second Claim
A. Statement related to your topic
B. Researched support for the statement
C. Objections and refutations based on your research
IV. Third Claim
A. Statement related to your topic
B. Researched support for the statement
C. Objections and refutations based on your research
V. Conclusion
A. Restatement of topic
B. Restatement of main ideas
Cite the Sources and references