Water Problem in the UAE

Water Problem in the UAE

Order Description

Write and essay about ” Water problems in the UAE” , based on the attached plan and research.

Essay consist of : introduction, conclusion and 4 bodies.

2 quotes from both sources

2 paraphrases from both sources

using 4 words like (according to, as said by , etc ………)

comments after the quotes and paraphrases

LSC 2103 – Research and Planning Assessment – Plan

Use this to plan your essay.

•    NO SENTENCES, only notes/key words

•    Plan can be handwritten or typed, but must be printed out and handed to the teacher with the research log

•    Plan must be a maximum of 2 A4 sides

What are the problems with the overuse of water in the UAE and how could they be solved?

Notes for Quotations (x2) Paraphrases (x2)


Overview of the UAE water problem

The UAE is entirely a desert region.

Water supply is indirectly proportional to utilization.

It is one of the most water-scarce regions in the world.

It also has one of the largest annual water usages globally.

There is need to address and minimize depletion of natural water sources.

No quotations or paraphrases in the introduction or conclusion

Main Body (4+ paragraphs)

Para 1

Literature review on water problems in the UAE

Problem statement

Current issues that need attention

Para 2

Discussion of possible problems

Literature review on problems highlighted

Large wasteful occlusions of water on UAE roads (Ecomena, 2014)

Para 3

Possible solutions to address the problem

Current mitigation measures in place (desalinization, recycling, drip irrigation)

Para 4

Solutions under deliberation (international treaties on water use, rationing, controlled irrigation and land use, water preservation technologies)


Ecomena (2014) indicates that large water puddles cover sidewalks and streets of the UAE. Most of it originates from poor irrigation practices


Overview of main points

Possible thought perspectives

No quotations or paraphrases in the introduction or conclusion

A research log is a way of tracking your research from different sources, and more importantly logging the correct ITC and full reference format AND comments about the quality of the resource. An example is in your course OneNote.

SOURCE    Date – of access    Date of source (or n.d.)    Source type (book, website, journal…)    Title     Author (write ‘none’ if no author given)    APA full reference    ITC

SOURCE 1    09 Nov. 2014

06 Nov. 2014    Web    Tagged with water scarcity in UAE: Irrigation systems in the United Arab Emirates    EcoMENA    EcoMENA. (2014). Tagged with water scarcity in UAE: Irrigation systems in the United Arab Emirates. Retrieved from: www.ecomena.org/tag/water-scarcity-in-uae    (EcoMENA, 2014)

Reliability – Is it reliable? Describe source in relation to all 4 concepts:

•    Authority

•    Accuracy

•    Currency

•    Objectivity    Authority- EcoMENA is a not-for-profit consulting, awareness creating, training, and publishing organization. Its main objective is to nurture sustainable development practices in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regions.

The source article is reviewed by professionals in various development fields, hence a reliable and accurate source. The article was last reviewed on 20 Mar. 2014 hence a current resource.

It seeks to address the issue of water scarcity from a solutions-based perspective as its objectivity.

Relevance to essay question

Be specific – mention two specific points from source and clearly explain their connection to the essay question    The article’s objective is to provide solutions for proper water usage mechanisms. The essay question requires a discussion of water wastage problems in the UAE and possible solutions, making the article relevant.

In the introduction, the article notes that water wastage is evident in the UAE with puddles of water noticeable on the road and sidewalks.

The article also underscores the use of drip irrigation as the most appropriate system for use in desert areas. According to the article, sprinkler mechanisms are wasteful.

SOURCE    Date – of access    Date of source    Source type (book, website, journal…)    Title     Author    APA Full reference    ITC

SOURCE 2    09 Nov. 2014

2014    Web     Water Crisis: Middle East    Alexandra Barton    Barton, A. (2014). Water Crisis: Middle East. Retrieved from: thewaterproject.org/water-in-crisis-middle-east    (Barton, 2014)

Reliability – Is it reliable? Describe source in relation to all 4 concepts:

•    Currency

•    Objectivity

•    Authority

•    Accuracy     Authority- the water project, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization whose activities aim at developing and providing sustainable water projects to communities globally, and particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is therefore a reliable resource since it provides solutions that are applicable to UAE as well due to related demographics.

The article was last updated this year (2014), making it a reliable current resource.

Since it is a duly registered and operational organization, which provides solutions to water problems, its information is accurate.

The articles main objective is to provide sustainable solutions to water problems.

Relevance to essay question

Be specific – mention two specific points in source and clearly explain their connection to the essay question    The essay question requires the discussion of water wasteful problems and possible solutions. This article provides literature review related to global water usage, availability, and forecasted predictions based on current trends. It also provides feasible solutions worth exploring.

The article specifically indicates that agriculture consumes nearly 85% of water in the UAE. It also indicates that a 2005report showed that the UAE had the largest per capita water consumption in the world and one of the ten most hardest hit water scarce regions globally.

The article indicates that desalinization plants overuse water in the UAE and that nearly 70% of the world’s desalinization plants are located in this region.

5. Diagnostic testing and any referrals needed,

6. Management plans, and

7. Follow-up.