Topic: Data Analysis Report Business Analysis: Employee Satisfaction

Topic: Data Analysis Report Business Analysis: Employee Satisfaction

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GSBS6002: Foundations of Business Analysis

Data Analysis Report
Business Analysis: Employee Satisfaction
Newcastle  Ltd  is  a  medium-sized  business with  3000  employees  across  Australia.  The
business specialises  in  the  production  and  sale  of  safety  devices  for  the  mining  industry.
Debra  Smith  has  just  been  appointed as the  new  CEO  of  Newcastle  Ltd. One of Debra’s
initial  strategic  goals  for  the  business  is  to  build  and  maintain  a  high  level  of  employee
satisfaction,  as  she  views  this  as  an  important  way  to  maximise  productivity.  To  that  end,
Debra  has  approached  you  to  undertake  a  study  that  investigates  the  current  level  of
satisfaction  within  the  organisation  and  whether  that  satisfaction  differs  across  individuals
and  divisions.  As  a  benchmark,  Debra  believes  that  the  minimum  level  of  employee
satisfaction required to maximise efficiency is 7 out of 10.
Debra  is  willing  to  allocate  funds  towards  improving  employee  satisfaction  if  required,  but
she  wants  to  know  the  most  efficient  way  to  allocate  this  money.  She  has  already
commissioned  an  initial exploratory  report,  which  has  identified  several possible  initiatives
that  can  be  used  to  improve  employee  satisfaction,  including:  paying  additional  wages  or
bonuses,  improving  staff  training  and  development  opportunities,  providing  work  social
events and improving employee benefits by decreasing their overtime requirements. Debra
is  interested  to  know  which  of  these  strategies  would  be  most  effective  to  increase  the
satisfaction of Newcastle Ltd employees.
A  member  of  your  team  has  already  collected  data  that  can  be  used  for  this  analysis.  To
collect  this  data,  a  random  sample  of  100  employees  was  selected  from  each  of  the  five
divisions  within  Newcastle  Ltd:  accounting,  administration,  marketing,  human  resource
management and production. Of the 500 employees that were sent surveys, 400 responded.
The survey used to collect this data is provided below and the survey responses have been
collated  in  the  Job  Satisfaction  Data.xls  Excel  file.  You  are  required  to  write a  report  after
performing analysis on data collected from the employees of Newcastle Ltd.

A  member  of  your  team  has  suggested  that  when  you  perform  this  analysis,  you  should
undertake a series of hypothesis tests to examine the following:
1.  Does  the  current level of overall employee satisfaction differ from Debra’s goal of
2.  Is there a difference between the overall employee satisfaction of male and female
employees within the business?
3.  Are  there  any  differences  in  the  overall  employee  satisfaction  across  business
4.  Are there any differences in the gender compositions across divisions?
5.  Is there a relationship between an employee’s years of service and their overall
6.  Do  employees  who  are  employed  on  a  different  basis  (casual,  part-time,  full-time)
have different perceptions about how they are valued within the organisation?
7.  Is  there  any  difference  between  the  importance  that  employees  place  on  their
income and their training and development opportunities?
8.  Is there any difference between the importance that employees place on work social
events and the number of hours that they work?
9.  Is there a relationship between an employee’s salary and their overall satisfaction?
10. Which of the determinants of employee satisfaction (Questions 10-13) are related to
the overall satisfaction of Newcastle Ltd employees?
Write a data analysis report that provides the results to each of the ten hypotheses above
and make overall recommendations to the business that Debra can use for future business
decision making.  Based  on  your  analysis  relating  to  these  hypotheses,  your  report  should
focus on two key questions: the current employee satisfaction within the business and the
strategy or strategies that would be most effective to increase employee satisfaction.

Employee Satisfaction Survey
Section 1: Personal information
Please complete the following information about yourself and your current employment.
Question 1 – Which department of the organisation do you work in?
Accounting                 Marketing               HRM                 Production                Administration
Question 2 – What is your gender?
Male                            Female
Question 3 – On what basis are you employed with the organisation?
Casual    Part-time         Full-time
Question 4 – How many years have you worked with the organisation? _____________________
Question 5 – What was your total taxable income for the 2013/2014 financial year? ___________
Section 2: Current Employee Satisfaction
Please circle the number that corresponds with your level of agreement.
Strongly Disagree = 1   Neutral = 5   Strongly Agree = 10
Question 6 – Overall, I am satisfied as an employee of Newcastle Ltd.
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Question 7 – My pay is competitive with other places I could work.
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Question 8 – I feel that I am valued within the organisation.
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Question 9 – I agree with the strategic goals of the organisation.
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Section 3: Determinants of Employee Satisfaction
Please circle the number that corresponds with your level of agreement.
Strongly Disagree = 1   Neutral = 5   Strongly Agree = 10
Question 10 – I am satisfied with my salary.
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Question 11 – I am satisfied with the training and career development opportunities are available
within the organisation.
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Question 12 – I am satisfied with social events that are provided within the workplace.
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Question 13 – I am satisfied with the number of hours I am required to work each week.
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Report Structure
Executive Summary
This  section  should  provide  a  brief  overview  of  the  analysis  report.  You  should  discuss  the  subject
matter, the method of analysis, the findings and recommendations and any limitations of the report.
It is suggested that the Executive Summary is the last section that you write. This section should be
200 words maximum.
Provide  a  brief  background  to  the  case  to  put  your  analysis  in  context. Provide  a  discussion  of  the
objectives of your analysis. This section should be 150 words maximum.
Research Design
Discuss  the  data  collection  process  and  the  sampling  procedures  that  were  applied.  In  this  section
you  should  also  outline the  ethical  considerations  that  would  have  been  taken  into  account  when
collecting data from this survey and reporting your results. This section should include at least three
references. This section should be 300 words maximum
Synthesise the hypothesis test  results  as they  relate to  the  two  key  research questions.  Report  the
conclusions that can be derived from this analysis. This section should be 300 words maximum.
Briefly summarise your results and provide recommendations to Newcastle Ltd. Bullet points can be
used for the recommendations. This section should be 150 words maximum.
Reference List
Minimum of three (i.e. books, journals, on-line reference)
Appendix: Hypothesis Testing
For each hypothesis you should:
a)  State the null and alternative hypotheses.
b)  Select an appropriate statistical test and briefly justify your selection.
c)  Perform the appropriate test using Microsoft Excel.
d)  Report the results of your analysis (including tests statistic and p-value).
e)  Provide a brief interpretation (both statistical and non-statistical) of the results.
Each hypothesis should be discussed in approximately 100 words. An example is provided below.

6  GSBS6002 – Trimester 3 2014                                                         | The University of Newcastle

Hypothesis Testing Example (Based on previous assignment)
Question 1) How much are potential patrons willing to pay for the entrées? Is the $18 amount from
the forecasting model the correct value to use when setting food prices?
Appendix 1: Average patron expenditure
H0: The average amount patrons are willing to spend is equal to $18
: The average amount patrons are willing to spend is not equal to $18
A one sample t-test is  used,  as  this  is  the appropriate test to compare  the  difference  between one
variable and a pre-determined mean (Zikmund et al., 2013, p. 520). The results from this one-sample
t-test are shown below:
Table 1: One-sample t-test for difference in patron expenditure

Variable 1  Variable 2
Mean  20.14118  18
Variance  91.85022  0
Observations  340  340
Hypothesized Mean
Difference  0
df  339
t Stat  4.119569
P(T<=t) one-tail  2.39E-05
t Critical one-tail  1.649361
P(T<=t) two-tail  4.77E-05
t Critical two-tail  1.966986

From Table 1, it is evident that we can reject that null hypothesis that the average patron is willing to
pay $18  for  their  entrée  (p-value  0.0000477).  As  the  average  expenditure  is  greater  than  $18
($20.14), this value should be used when pricing food in the restaurant.

Word count (excluding tables): 107

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