The (UK/US) Intelligence Community

Constructive Critique of a report on the question :’The (UK/US) Intelligence Community is no longer relevant to deal with the proliferation and complexity of contemporary global security threats’ . Do you agree?

You are required to provide feedback to at least one member of your group on their submission.
Comment on a draft prepared by a colleague within your group
Not looking for specific content but rather evidence of reflection as a critical friend to your group colleagues. Marks will be awarded for the following:

Feedback is constructive
Written in an engaging tone and style
Focus on what’s good and what might be improved
Should also be critiqued against the marking criteria as follows:Evidence that you can express yourself clearly
Clear statement of position taken
Consistency in arguing that position
Logical and convincing use of references and evidence [Note: Footnotes, References and Bibliography are NOT required for draft submissions but should be included in your final portfolio. They DO NOT need to be included as part of your overall word count).
Written in clear language
Avoiding too many typographical errors and overuse of quotes
Written in an engaging tone and style
Evidence of critical thinking – going beyond simple description
Quality and validity of your argument(s)