socio-legal journals

socio-legal journals

Your assignment is due in class (lecture) on March 11th. For this assignment you will find and select an appropriate scholarly article published within the last 5 years from a provided list of socio-legal journals.

The article you select must be at least 15 pages in length and must be attached to the back of your assignment when you hand it in. If the article is not attached, the assignment will be considered incomplete/late.

Yourarticle selection should be approved by your TA no later than February 11th. Articles not approved priorto submission will simply not be accepted for grading.

For your Article Assignment you must clearly provide/answer the following:

1. Clearly identify the author’s argument.
2. What evidence does the author use to support her/his argument?
3. Which socio-legal method/theory does the author use? Where/how do you see it at work?
4. What does the author’s research reveal (directly and/or indirectly) about the relationship
between law and society?

The format is proper essay-style, 5 pages (+/- 0.5), Times New Roman, 12 pt font, 1-inch margins all around, double-spaced with page numbers. Your name, student number, tutorial number and TA’s name must appear on the front of the assignment. Your name should also appear in the top right corner of each page.
Suggested List of Journals:

Journal of Law and Society
Modern Law and Society
Canadian Journal of Law and Society
Australian Journal of Law and Society
Law and Public Policy