role of both filters (and associated technologies), and anonymous proxies

role of both filters (and associated technologies), and anonymous proxies

Tying together ALL of the various themes of the course, explore one of the following topics:

1. Discuss the role of both filters (and associated technologies), and anonymous proxies in the recent socially revolutionary movements (e.g. the “Occupy” movements, Arab Spring). Discuss the limitations on democracy, the impact that content dissemenation from the general population has had on the world community, the ability for citizens to organize protests, etc.

Note: There are going to be thousands of resources avaiable to discuss this topic due to the recent nature of the events. Please choose your resources wisely and ensure that they are suitable for a scholarly audience (reputable media outlets can be used).
2. The 2012 ITU WCIT Treaty Debate
Although the ITU WCIT Proposal ultimately fell during the WCIT event in December 2012, the proposal sparked global debate about the need to regulate the Internet and who is best suited to do so. Companies such as Google, organizations such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and others took strong positions regarding the proposal. The discussion is continuing through bodies such as the Internet Governance Forum: . Explore the proposal and the ensuing debate applying Cyber Ethics principles as your framework. What portions of the proposal were meritous? Which were most concerning? Are there aspects of the proposal that could be improved upon to contribute to a positive model of governance for the cyber world?

Although not typically supported as an academic source, if you need the “overview” of this proposal to assess your interest, please visit:

You are also encouraged to examine Michael Geist’s blog site and the EFF resources.
3. Cyber Bullying and Digital Identities
The cases of Amanda Todd, Retaeh Parsons and Tyler Clementi have been lightening rods about the various issues that surround protecting our youth in online environments. Explore these cases (and other similar instances using solid Cyber Ethics principles to define how the online landscape could be improved to prevent future tragedies such as these. Examine the ecosystem of players from the individuals, to the schools, police, governing bodies, media, etc.)

4. Content Monetization, Access & IP Protection
The Internet has made the creation of content accessible to nearly everyone. However, traditionally this content (information, images, etc.) has been difficult to monetize, and even more difficult to protect the Intellectual Property. For most content creators (artists, authors, etc.) this dichotomy between reach/free promotion has to be carefully balanced with profit and intellectual property protection. Discuss how knowlege and information sharing online is impacted by Cyber Ethics considerations. Include your thoughts as to how various governance aspects could, perhaps, do a more effective job of balancing the needs of the content consumers versus content creators.

5. Personal Privacy versus Public Safety
In the past Wikileaks has been a challenge for lawmakers and security agencies with their release of confidential, sensitive and in some cases classified information. More recently, the case of Edward Snowden and the release of classified information regarding the mass surveillance programs employed by the US NSA, including their telephone metadata and PRISM programs (for a quick and easy-to-understand overview of the PRISM program, please view: The Patriot Act (2001) laid the foundation for this type of electronic surveillance.

Using the lens of cyber ethics to examine the delicate balance between personal privacy and the need to ensure public safety. Explore the historical context that has required these more invasive types of surveillance, the emergence of these ubiquitous monitoring techniques and the legislative protections required to acheive a suitable balance. (Note: There is significant current media coverage of this topic, however, you should also include suitable academic resources in your research to support the arguements (i.e. It’s not just “CNN says” throughout the assignment.

Michael Geist is also covering these topics on his blog and providing Canadian context to the discussion. His blog is a valuable resource to you.

This topic is intended explore the programs in place and the actions of the governments and legislative bodies. While you may briefly comment on the actions of Wikileaks or Edward Snowden, the focus of the assignment is not to be their actions and whether or not you agree with them.
6. Another topic – With the permission of the Instructor prior to July 15, 2013 – Complete the form found at:

Some details:
Your website should incorporate a welcome page, a links or resources used page (i.e. bibliography), a final/conclusion page, plus all the requisite pages needed to address each of the major ethical themes we explored in the course (ethical theory, architecture and geography, governance, free speech, content control, intellectual property, privacy, barriers). If you feel that one of the main topics (as broadly defined in the text) does not appl to your topic, you still need to include a page with an explanation of why you feel it does not apply to your topic.

Make sure you have navigation links which will take one back to a home page or any other page in the site. Although CSS is not needed, you may find it helpful. You can use web authoring tools to expedite the design process.

VERY IMPORTANT: When you select an authoring tool make sure you can export files to a local copy. We will not be marking live sites… You must submit the HTML source files! EXTENSIONS WILL NOT BE GRANTED BECAUSE YOU HAVE SELECTED A TOOL THAT CANNOT PROVIDE A LOCAL COPY.

The exam is to be submitted in the assignment area and you have until August 18, 2013 @ 11:00 pm. to submit it. You must submit HTML files as an archive (.zip or .rar file) as an attachment in CLEW. This archive must have all your files, and resources (i.e. images) contained therein, or your site will not function correctly.

In addition to the HTML files, you are to submit your text in .docx format. I will run this version through Turn-It-In to ensure that the work has not been plagarized. Failure to sumit your file in this format will result in a mark of zero. You don’t need to worry about the aesethic aspects of the .docx document, as it will only be used for this purpose. All of the formatting will be assessed in the HTML version. Be sure that all of your quotes are properly cited in your .docx version in APA format!

If you have any difficulties uploading your Final Exam, please contact your assigned TA immediately.

Think of each page in your site as dealing adequately with the theme you are addressing. As such, although images are welcomed, if you were to devote one page in a hardcopy version of this exam, then you should devote 250-400 words to each web page. Remember, this is not a hard and fast rule, just a guide. You should have a page dedicated to each major topic in the course (think of your Chapter Names as page names). You will therefore have ~11-12 pages. While not all pages will be required for all topics, you should have a page dedicated to that topic and explain why you felt this didn’t apply to your topic. The significant areas of discussion (e.g. freedom of speech, privacy and IP pages may exceed the 400 word limit as these are likely the bulk of your assessment).


Home (this serves as a high level summary of your assignment)
Introduction (overview of your topic and appropriate ethical theories that will be applied)
History of your topic (background of social issues and relevant technologies)
Archtecture and geography (what impact does the technical architecture of the cyberworld have on your topic? How does geography factor in from a governance perspective?)
Freedom of Speech (If there are any freedom of speech considerations in your topic, explore these in detail. If not, explain why this topic is excluded).
Intellectual Property (If there are any intellectual property considerations in your topic, explore these in detail. If not, explain why this topic is excluded).
Privacy (If there are any privacy considerations in your topic, explore these in detail. If not, explain why this topic is excluded).
Placing Barriers (what barriers are required, what happens when barriers are violated, etc.)

Broken links will decrease your mark sigificantly. It is your responsibility to make sure that all your links work properly, both internally to your site (especially these) and externally. You should use standard principles of web page design (e.g., foreground/background colours, etc.) in order to make the site accessible. Keep your sites simple and clean! If you use images, be sure to provide the source for those both near the image and in your references section.

Remember that your assignment should not simply be an “opinion” on the topics, and all of the key ethical concepts presented in this course should be addressed. All references need to be cited properly, and spelling and grammar errors will be penalized.

Statement of authenticity/verification: Remember to place a copyright on each page. In doing so, you need to ensure that you have proper permissions to use graphics, sound, etc. files you plan on using. As well, remember to properly cite the material upon which you are constructing your argument. Academic integrity matters. (Note: An example of the copyright (replace my name with your name))


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