Psychology sampling

Psychology sampling

Project description
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of at least 2 different sampling methods. Describe how researchers go about selecting a sampling strategy. What role does the research question play in choosing the sample? What does it mean to have a representative sample and why is this vital to the outcome of the study? You may wish to incorporate some of the scholarly sources you have been reviewing for your research project within your discussion.


The researcher has to figure out which kind of sampling would be the best for the study. They have to decide what population they are targeting and determine it the sample will include that population. The sample has to include the right participant than the study will not have the right results (Shaughnessy, 2008).
In random sampling studies the participants ate chosen randomly. Example place 40 name is a hat and draw ten. These will be the people you will use to conduct the survey. Onedecide is how big the sample size should be (Shaughnessy, 2008).Random sampling is demonstrative if participate follow through. Some disadvantages are that there has to be a complete list of the population. Such as all participants age, sex, and race. It can be costly. The sampling maybe to long therefore people may not want to finish (Black, 1999).
Convenience sampling is when people are selected based them just being there. This type of sampling often does not represent the whole community. Example the sample was to see if more people like Pepsi vs. coke. The participants were chosen from college students who came into the cafeteria at lunch time. Therefore, this study mostly represents college students between ages 18 to 30. It excludes older generations, because only a few are over 30.

Black, T. R. (1999). Doing quantitative research in the social sciences: An integrated approach to research design, measurement, and statistics. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. (p. 118)
Shaughnessy, J. (2008). Research Methods In Psychology (8th ed). McGraw-Hill Learning Solutions. Retrieved from