In the role of a marketing consultant you are required to produce a 4000 word outline integrated marketing communications plan for a company of your choice.

In the role of a marketing consultant you are required to produce a 4000 word outline integrated marketing communications plan for a company of your choice. You will use the SOSTAC framework (situation analysis, objectives, strategies, tactics, action and control) to create a plan. Specifically then, your report will include:
a) A full contextual analysis, including information on the existing target market
b) Appropriate marketing communications objectives
c) Appropriate marketing communications strategies, including descriptions of these push, pull and profile strategies
d) An efficient and effective integrated marketing communications campaign, including the use of traditional and non-traditional media and descriptions of these elements
e) Suitable evaluation and control mechanisms.
Your plan should also encompass recommendations on projected budgets and timescales. Furthermore, you are expected to demonstrate that you have utilised a range of academic and practitioner sources, all of which must be appropriately referenced using Harvard Standard.
Your work should be structured as an ‘academic report’. You should include an introduction, the integrated marketing communications plan itself, a concluding paragraph and a list of references. Diagrams and figures can be included in the text if applicable. Indeed, we actively encourage students to develop creative visuals as part of their proposed integrated marketing communications plan and this will be discussed in the lectures.