In the Bedroom Custom Essay

The film In the Bedroom is a story of love, grief, hopelessness, anger and revenge. As the title goes In the Bedroom, refers to a small compartment known as Bedroom which is being used for lobster trap. The main characters include Matt, a town doctor who is fond of fishing and his wife Ruth, a music teacher at a school, their only son Frank, who studies architecture in a college and is home after his first year. There he falls in love with a lady named Natalie, a separated mother of two kids but yet not divorced from her husband Richard Strout. Richard can’t bear to see his wife with another man and soon he kills Frank during an argument at Nitalie’s home. Later, taking revenge from Richard becomes inevitable for the parents of Frank. As the film was based on a short story taken from the novel of Andre Dubus but the whole drama and characters were so well defined that it goes beyond the short story.