identify 3 significant issues/themes in American history that you believe have significantly contributed to the development of the United States as we experience it today

GHIST 225 Online
Final – Spring 2014

Instructions – For this final please utilize the assigned texts as well as other assigned readings and pp presentations to answer the following question. Your answer should be in essay form with a target length of 4-6 pages.

In covering the topics and themes from this semester please identify 3 significant issues/themes in American history that you believe have significantly contributed to the development of the United States as we experience it today. Why did you choose them? How are they important to the development of the nation? How have these themes changed over time? Themes may be related or unrelated. Themes could encompass issues such as colonization, manifest destiny, American Exceptionalism, temperance/progressive movements, imperialism, Civil Rights and a host of others. In writing your essay please utilize specific examples form our readings to support your arguments.