Given what you know about how Congress works and how a bill is passed, what is different about an omnibus bill? What is the strategy behind omnibus bills?

See the following attachment for the reading lessons. After reading Lesson 3 the attachment answer the following questions:Given what you now know about how Congress works and how a bill is passed, what is different about an omnibus bill? What is the strategy behind omnibus bills? Provide an example from American politics. Other countries, notably Canada, use omnibus bills, but since this is an American government class, please stick with legislation from this country, at the federal level.
Fully developed three paragraph essay that is 400 to 600 words in proper essay format. This essay should have a clear introductory paragraph containing a clear thesis statement (your argument), a body paragraph with references or citations that support your argument and a concluding paragraph. Additionally the words “I” and “me” should not be used in academic writing. Include 3 credible sources, the sources can not be older than five years. You will use the Chicago/Turabian style writing. Font size will be 12pt and font will be Times New Roma