economic impacts of shipping crude oil by railroad

economic impacts of shipping crude oil by railroad
Research Paper: Please select one of the following secondary research topics and write a 15 pages essay describing how you would apply a concept read in this course.
Discuss the possible economic impacts of shipping crude oil by railroad.
Discuss whether or not government units, such a city, should be allowed to impose its own “living wage” scale.
Describe how evolving printer technology is likely to enhance the competitiveness of American manufacturing over the next fifty years.

Research Paper: Please select one of the following secondary research topics and write a 15 pages essay describing how you would apply a concept read in this course.
1. Discuss the possible economic impacts of shipping crude oil by railroad.
2. Discuss whether or not government units, such a city, should be allowed to impose its own “living wage” scale.
3. Describe how evolving printer technology is likely to enhance the competitiveness of American manufacturing over the next fifty years.