Complete your Portfolio Project assignment, focusing on making sure that you have all of the necessary components as set forth in the rubric. Spend time making

Paper instructions:i
Portfolio Assignment (350 points)
Complete your Portfolio Project assignment, focusing on making sure that you have all of the necessary components as set forth in the rubric. Spend time making

sure that the formatting meets the University APA standards, and thoroughly proofread and grammar-check your final product. When you have completed the portfolio,

submit it to your instructor through this Assignment Drop Box.

This Portfolio Project is at least 7-pages paper with exhibits of organization financial data.

Your Project should identify a publicly-held corporation and conduct a strategic assessment that includes organizational analysis of: (a) financial condition, (b)

industry and competitors, and (c) organization situation. From the assessment, (d) formulate appropriate recommendations or strategy for organizational development

from a management perspective.

Work Instructions:
(1)    Selected firm is to be well-known and be approved by me before you proceed.
(2)    The work must be 100% free of PLAGIARISM.
(3)    The work should be at least 7 pages.
(4)    Beside the company’s website and the course book, the work must be supported by at least six (8) additional credible sources, e.g. journals and advanced

scholarly articles from an academic databases like EBSCOHOST and PROQUEST.
(5)    Select current research articles published within the last three (5) years.
(6)    Use APA style for the whole work, including the in-text citation and references. (For every reference, there must be a corresponding citation in the text,

and vice versa. Cited page numbers must be correct)
(7)    No direct internet websites are allowed to be used as a reference (e.g. Wikipedia, ehow, … etc.)
(8)    Used references are to be provided to me either as PDF files or direct web links.
(9)    A paragraph must at least contain three sentences.
(10)    The course is Strategy Planning and the work is for MBA level; hence it must demonstrate high quality of writing.
(11)    The first (1) draft of the work is to be submitted by NO LATER THAN Wednesday 30-Apr-2014 (3:00PM GMT )