Assessment of the resource allocation policies in the decentralized health sector in the Philippines

Assessment of the resource allocation policies in the decentralized health sector in the Philippines

Paper instructions:
for a master’s level dissertation. i will provide the research material for this (for related literature reviews, etc). for now, i want to know roughly how much it will cost so i know how much i need to put into my credit card. thank you very much. here is what will be in for the the chapter:
•    Introduction
o    Decentralization in political theory: notes
o    Decentralization in development theory
o    Decentralization in economic theory: notes
•    Political system in the Philippines
o    Pre-1987 constitution
•    There was an era of centralization in the Philippines, spanning Spanish colonial period to the Marcos dictatorship
o    1987 constitution
•    groundwork for decentralization of the government
•    basis of government
•    executive, legislative and judiciary structure
•    Department of Health (DOH)