Analysis on Palm Inc. Custom Essay

Analysis on Palm Inc. Palm Inc. is one of the companies that venture in the mobile business. Their aim is to become one of the biggest developing communication company like Microsoft and others. In order to achieve their goals the company had their Design Philosophy and the perspective of the company is a handheld computer is not a laptop or desktop computer; the focus is on managing and accessing information rather than creating and editing documents Mendeley Citation{8c8e3814-5a55-4d17-b6f4-464a6597bf1c} Prev{(???Palm Notes,??? n d)}(???Palm Notes,??? n d). This unique user experience requires a unique set of guiding principles–be simple, wearable and connected. An unwavering commitment to these principles makes Palm products ideal for customers and developers alike.?  The company focuses on improving their products in order to satisfy their customers. During the year 2008 the company had faced many problems and in the depth of losing the business and facing bankruptcy Mendeley Citation{d4637ab8-1c3a-4e7d-825a-1a10b49db5d8} Prev{(Technology Talks, 2010)}(Technology Talks, 2010).