An analysis of Poems regarding the theme of Nature by Lord Alfred Tennyson Custom Essay

An analysis of Poems regarding the theme of Nature by Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson??™s Biography Lord Alfred Tennyson was an English poet born in 1809 at Somersby, Lincolnshire. Lord Tennyson has been described as one of the most prominent poets of the Victorian period in England. His family was characterized by controversy arising from great wealth inherited from his aunt Elizabeth Russell. Thus, he was brought up in a lavish way of living. As a result, Tennyson was constantly worried about money issues throughout his life (Everett, 1; Dunn). The author lived with fear of mental sickness since several members of his family suffered from epilepsy, a disgraceful disease at the time. His father and brother, Author made their health conditions worse by indulging in excessive drinking, Tennyson spent some time under doctors??™ care because of the situation in 1843 (Mazzeno, 2).