A consulting report for SMIGGLE(an australian-based retail store chain that sells stationary and related assesories

A consulting report for SMIGGLE(an australian-based retail store chain that sells stationary and related assesories

You are going to work on a group-based term project, focusing on the international entry and expansion

strategy of a local Australian firm entering China or any other country. The hypothetical scenario is like this: a

local Australian company invites you and your group members as a consultation team to help it design an

International Business Development (IBD) plan. The purpose is to help the firm successfully enter China or

any other country and expand its business there. The local Australian company hiring you as consultants must

be a real company. You may decide on the local Australian company from the website or secondary database.


This company could be in manufacturing or service areas. As a consultation team, you need to make a

presentation on your consulting project.

The deadlines are the last two tutorials. Your presentation dates will be determined by your tutor in

advance. Please note that no written report will be required and your performance will be based on the

presentation to be marked by your tutor.BUSINESS SCHOOL

Version: 2014 Business School 3

“Dos” for Consulting Project

? Be critical and analytical

? Capture the critical issues

? Be focused and insightful

? Apply (preferably!) learning from lectures


? Be logical

  • “Don’ts” for Consulting Project

? Do not just list facts or summarize

? Do not argue without reasoning and evidence

? Do not discuss irrelevant issues

? Do not focus on details while ignoring the “big picture”

  1. Environment analysis

1.1 Industry-based competition in chinese market (porter’s five force theory)

1.2 Competitor analysis

  1. Firm-specific resources and capabilities

SMIGGLE’s competitiveness(in the home country and around the world)

2.1 Tangible and intangible analysis based(VRIO framework)please make a VRIO    chart