Women have become predominantly associated with acts of terrorism. Their involvement in the terrorism acts is as deadly as those involving men. Some people consider them more dangerous since they are least suspected to perform such acts. This has been so due to the long held argument and culture that women are weak and thus cannot be involved in acts that involve terror inform of taking innocent lives. Other arguments that make it hard to suspect women in cases of terrorist attacks are the belief that they are sustainers of life and mothers of humanity. This argument have however been proven wrong with the increased incidences of women engaging in terrorist acts. With the beliefs on women inability to engage in terrorists acts fading, there has been a constant question among many people; why would women engage in terrorist attacks? What drives them to the extent of becoming hard hearted ruthless and murderers of innocent people? They were created to preserve and sustain life not to take it in the cruelest of ways. These questions have resulted in many explanations and theories. In the past women and children were known as victims of violence since they suffered much in cases of such acts. The major driving forces of terrorism were anti-colonial liberation, class conflicts and secular nationalisms. Terrorism driven by political reasons did not mainly involve women directly. However, since the start of terrorism women have been in the picture although playing roles less associated to the terror attacks on peopleThe world has evolved and the methods used by terrorist have increasingly changed. The changes have also redefined the reasons for terrorism and the role of women participating in the acts of terrorism. In the recent past women have been hired and have been deeply involved in committing acts of terrorism. A terrorist group known as The Liberation Tigers of Tamil deployed more than a third of its attackers as women. Apart from duties in the kitchen the women were involved in suicide bombing. Other terrorists groups composed of women include the Black Windows who were responsible for murdering more than three hundred people in a series of suicide bombing. Women in turkey, Egypt, Uzbekistan and Lebanon have been known to support and to get direct involvement in the terrorism activities. It is therefore an accepted thing in the terrorism world for women to engage in all levels of terrorism. They are involved in all aspects from cooking for terrorists, nursing the injured, and training in the deserts, using and making the murder weapons and direct attacksThere is a major reduction in the wars caused by colonialism, and other forms of injustices by one country to another. Democracy and diplomacy in peace negotiation are powerful tools in resolving animosity against human. This has also reduced the number of terror attacks motivated by political reasons. There ahs however not been a reduction in the overall terrorist acts. This result to a conclusion that there are other motivations that leads to terrorist attacks. Many researches have indicated that religion is a major cause of terrorism. Religion is widely embraced by all the communities of the world. It forms the greatest form of human reorientation. It has been widely abused by those in need of committing crime. Its unquestionable nature has made it a good weapon to be used in influencing people into various activities including those that are criminal and acts against humanityReligion terrorism by women can be revolutionary, genocidal, communal or nihilistic. Women are involved in various capacities and groups. They form part of governments run through religion, major terrorist movements, clandestine cells and even single individuals. The religion does not treat the perpetrators as terrorists but rather as heroes of faith and martyrs. To justify the acts of religion terrorism references from religious books such as the bible and the Quran have been made and this have wooed women to believing that terrorist acts are religious and acceptable. The Judeo Christian system of belief make references to the bible and site instances of assassination and even complete destruction or annihilation of a community due to religious belief. The main reference is in the story of Joshua in conquering Canaanites in order to enter the Promised Land. The Israelites possessed the Promised Land by completely killing all the inhabitants of the land. Historians site this as among the most ancient known acts of religion terrorism. This history also forms the basis of religion terrorism in the present world. In this example both women and men were directly involvedGet High Quality, Reliable and Affordable results, On time.