Traditional approaches to healing essay

The research on traditional approaches to healing is a very sensitive topic. It tries to show how the people of Canada respond to the traditional approaches of healing. These methods can only be maintained through practice as most of them are passed from generation to generation and hence if they are not practiced, they may become extinct. They have their own ways through which they are treated. They have a certain extent of relevance to the people as they give them a sense of belonging and can easily relate to the same. As much as they have an impact, it is important to integrate the approaches with professionalism. This ensures that the end results of the whole treatment are of high quality and at the same time very effective.


Traditional healing can be viewed as a method of healing that does not involve the use of the new methods of healing that have been discovered mainly through science. It can be considered as to the customary ways that people use to seek treatment. It is the day to day activities that people in Canada have been using since time memorial and the only way to maintain these methods of traditional healing is only through constant use and practicing the same over time. This research mainly focuses on the Canadian people and their approaches to the traditional healing methods.

According to (WHO,2001) traditional healing can be described as the general knowledge and awareness on how to treat and prevent and also maintain a high  health standard by people through exposure and experience and this is subject to specific cultures. This is usually passed on from generation to generation

It is important to note that the Canadian people easily relate to the traditional healing practices. They feel involved in the whole healing process with the knowledge that the practices are viewed as their own original creation. This is because it can be attributed to their ancient past where the knowledge on biology and the diverse agricultural advantage brought with it different plants with medicinal value (Shiva.V 2000). This is what was mainly used and the people are slowly but steadily embracing the same.

It can be concluded that the use of traditional healing methods does not only involve healing of diseases. It also emphasizes on the spiritual healing of a person and thus a person who has gone through this comes out with the advantage of both biological and spiritual healing. This means that people who seek traditional healing practices have a positive perception of the same. When they talk about traditional healing, they speak from a very diverse view that includes physical healing through the use of traditional herbal medicine, and also a general boost in the mental healing and also spiritual restoration by the use of cultural ceremonies and also counsel from the elders within the society (RCAP, 1996).

Due to this, it can then be deduced that the traditional methods of healing cannot be dismissed as outdated or in any way non applicable. They are widely practiced by the Aboriginal people of Canada. According to (Hill’s. M 2002) research indicates that traditional methods of healing cannot be ignored from the day to day way of life of the people of Canada. It entails the meals they take, their actions and of course the emotional and individual spiritual growth.

It can also be said that these practices boost the trend in growth and general development of the community. Statistics show that, if these practices can be incorporated with the current methods of healing, major improvements can be done. This brings forth a more advanced and incorporated approach to disease with both the professional and traditional methods playing their roles adequately. This has been attributed by the fact that the traditional methods have their shortcomings that can be improved with the addition of professional knowledge (Duran, 1990). However, the characteristic of the merge between the two methods cannot be clearly stated as acceptance may depend on individuals rather that the people administering the procedure.


Healing may be viewed as a form of restoration to one’s original state that is characterized by the well-being of the person. The use of traditional methods is hence an aspect that can be viewed as a very critical way of life. It is important that as much as the Canadian people want to maintain their tradition, they also integrate the same with professionalism to come up with the best results.