The United Nations and Humanitarian Intervention

Topic: The United Nations and Humanitarian Intervention

Order code: 626638

Time remaining: 4 days 17 hours 57 minutes

Pages:     8, Double spaced
Included:     1 page summary
Sources:     20

Order type:     Essay
Subject:     International Affairs/Relations
Academic level:     Master
Style:     Harvard
Language:     English (U.S.)

Order Description

-Critical Essay (all paper must be double – spaced, 12 font)
Papers will respond to a quation posed

-Course materials:
Text: IR: Michael Roskin and Nicholas Berry, The new world of international relations (9th Edition).

– Required Reading:-
IR, Ch 20-21, The Uses of international Law,” PP.133-333 and ” The Reach of the United Nations,” PP.334-349
Alex J. Bellamy, ” The Responsibility to protect,” in Pual D. Williams, Security Studies: an Introducation (2008), PP.422-437

-Questions for Discussion:
1- Under what circumstance can U.N. peacekeeping work?
2- What ( if anything) justifies humanitarian interventions? (Just cause)
3-Even if justified, what criteria should be met before moving forward? ( Precautionary princible)
4- Who has a right to intervence ( The U.N.? NATO? The United Arab Emirates? anyone who can?
5- How realistic is it to hope the ” the responsibility to protect’ becomes an international norm? why?