Explore the data

Hi, I am trying to understand how to submit a data paper for my sociological statistics class. You will find the assignment instructions down below. I will also post my notes for this particular assignment. Explore your data and figure out what variables will be useful for your objectiveYou will always use Age, grade, sex, […]

Discussion Questions

1.  Describe at least one project best investigated by probability sampling  (chapter 8) 2.  Give an example of a situation when a purposeful sample would be needed? (chapter 8) 3.  Discuss conducting program evaluations in various community agencies. Do some of the designs in this chapter seem to “fit” some programs better than others and […]

Discussion 3

 300 or more words in length     Millennials are renting offices sharing costs to reduce their overhead expenditures and overall efficiency.  What are the disadvantages and advantages of economies of scales?  Give of your local establishments that use shared locations to decrease costs, i.e., Taco Bell and KFC.  Include a minimum of one reference.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Canada’s assisted suicide law is the government’s answer to a Supreme Court of Canada decision known (after one of the plaintiffs) as the Carter Decision. Many advocates of assisted dying are upset with the legislation as they believe it does not deliver on the court’s demands in Carter. See, for example: http://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=884809 Consider also the […]

HW 1

Discussion and analysis of Federick Herzbergs HBR Classic: One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? (2-3 pages).Summarize Herzbergs point of view about employee motivation.Explain the difference between Hygiene and Motivator factors.Do you agree with Herzbergs point of view?What are your personal Hygiene and Motivator factors and why do you choose these factors?

Reflection- Code Of Ethics

Consider things such as: Can you separate the individual from the professional where ethics is concerned? Is there a diffeence between ethical and moral?  If so, what is it? What personal ideals and values shaped your work in your chosen profession? What happens when personal ideals and codes of the profession are in conflict? Create […]

Yale 29 Harvard 4

Questions for Additional Readings 2/13/2020: The article Yale 29 Harvard 4 states that an explanation of Yales domination over Harvard (1875-1911) can be made based on the different approach to and location of football/athletics in a university. What cultural and socio-economic foundations were taken into consideration in different ways by the two power houses of […]

HR 6 H 3 Pages Y

Please read: U.S. Unleashes Military to Fight Fake News, Disinformation (PDF)Preview the document Learn to recognize common indicators of fake news (Links to an external site.) Protecting elections from social media manipulationPreview the document Answer :  Have you ever shared fake news?   Do you fact check new articles you read on Social Media?  Are […]