Differentiate the essential strategic elements that contribute to achieving and sustaining a competitive advantage in both a domestic setting, as well as globally.


OVERVIEW: This assignment is to enhance the student’s understanding of the core concepts and analytical tools, crafting strategies for single and multi-business markets (including global), ethical and corporate responsibility (and sustainability), and executing strategies. This will be accomplished by the completion of the following assignment geared to support the learning engagement. This assignment has four (4) main parts. Each section is intended to engage the student’s learning ability by focusing on various learning objectives.


The successful student will fulfill the following learning objectives:

• LO1—Differentiate the essential strategic elements that contribute to achieving and sustaining a competitive advantage in both a domestic setting, as well as globally.

• LO2—Design a strategic plan in the context of organizational management.

• LO3—Evaluate key ethical concerns and responsibilities inherent in strategic planning

• LO4—Construct appropriate elements of the theoretical/conceptual framework, crafting processes, and execution procedures of a strategy implementation.


If you are not familiar with a scholarly journal, please note that there is a distinct difference between various publications. For instance, a trade publication or a magazine is not considered a scholarly journal. The Resources section of the course contains a Resources folder that provides examples of library database searches for scholarly journals. Also, you can view the video at the following link for a learning experience regarding accessing scholarly journals in the Online Library:

If you are still unsure about how to conduct a search for scholarly journals after examining the resources and viewing the video, please contact the professor, who will help you with this vital aspect of your learning engagement.

SECTION 1: Mission, Vision, and Values

GOAL: Create an 800-1000 word summary that presents a compare and contrast of three companies’ mission/vision/values statements, utilizing the tools of strategic planning found in chapters one and two of our textbook.

Instructions: Write an 800-1000 word summary (body content length) based on researched artifacts from three companies in the same sector of private or non-profit industry (e.g., restaurants, services, products, hospitals, etc.) and their individual presentation of mission, vision, and values. After presenting each company’s brief history, mission, vision, and values, compare and contrast the various features and differences between the selected same-sector companies. Using relevant research via peer-reviewed journals from the online library, conclude your summary with a scholarly assessment about the strengths and weaknesses of the mission, vision, and values of the companies researched. References should be added to reference page at the end of the assignment.

SECTION 2: Learning Summary

GOAL: Create a concise expose of two strategic planning concepts that may be utilized in your own organization.

Instructions: Write a 500-600-word discussion summary (body content length) that discusses research that supports two different strategic planning concepts. You may draw from any concepts mentioned in the course textbook through chapter six. Locate a minimum of two scholarly journal articles for each concept—a minimum of four articles for the summary altogether (these articles must be new to this assignment for this course). You want to select research that presents each concept and its usefulness in strategic planning within organizations. Be sure to keep your writing in third person if you discuss how these concepts work in your sector.

You may use any level of sources—scholarly, popular press, or websites—to provide foundational information used to inform you about each organization. However, make sure to properly cite and reference these sources according to chapter seven of APA.

Regardless what sources you use gain information about the companies, you are still required to list and use three scholarly journal sources in the assertions you provide at the end of your summary. References should be added to reference page at the end of the assignment.

SECTION 3: Website Review

Goal: Locate and review three websites that inform you about Crafting Strategies for international markets, or multi-business companies, or diversified companies. You make elect to review websites of specific companies themselves, but it must be clear that there is a global element to the company.

Instructions: Using the course textbook as a chief resource, locate three websites in order to complete the goal stated above—international strategic planning. You may also benefit from conducting your own Internet search of international marketing strategies. Write a 600-750 word discussion as a memorandum of discovery. Organize your ideas into three sections that review each of the three websites, and then write a fourth concluding section that summarizes what you gleaned from this investigation. The summary conclusion should put together the benefit of the whole experience.

How to Review Websites For This Assignment:

• Summarize the overriding purpose/thesis of each website. What is the essential message of the site?

• Discuss the material in the website in light of your understanding and outside research related to the material presented on the site. Do you agree or disagree with what the website presents?

• What do you, the student, benefit from having viewed/examined this website?

• After discussing each of the three websites, write a summary that combines what you learned from the experience. Present your own views. First person is accepted for this assignment.

• References should be added to reference page at the end of the assignment.

SECTION 4: Ethical News Story Analysis

GOAL: Write a 500-600 word written script/text of the news story (with minimum three citations/references) that gives an analysis of a recent ethics scandal, corporate social responsibility scandal, or environment sustainability scandal.

Instructions: Write 500-600 word summary that is written as a news story, and give an analysis of a recent (last three years) management scandal involving ethics, corporate social responsibility, or environment sustainability. See Chapter 9 in the course textbook to introduce the overall subject material, and to give you suggestions about where to locate appropriate news material (Hint: you must not write about Rhinos, a topic in the forums). The writing should contain a minimum of three scholarly citations/references beyond your textbook. References should be added to reference page at the end of the assignment.