Discussion: Why Does This Matter?

Sustaining whole system change as a leader in special education will require establishing a collaborative culture in which additional leaders are developed across various levels of the organization. Fullan and Quinn (2016) suggest that, as leaders master the four components of the Coherence Framework, not only do the leaders become more effective, but the system […]


Ethical Dilemmas and Resolution Intentions: In this written assignment, your task is to provide the following in 2-3 double-spaced pages:1)    A description/brief explanation of 2-3 ethical standards (not principles) from the APA Ethics Code that you anticipate as being potentially most likely to challenge you in your future career. a.    To jumpstart your thinking about […]

Analysis of A Business Case

The structure of the presentation is attached as a file: Further details;Apply the organizational behavior concepts to a real-life case in a specific organization.Drawing upon Organizational Behavior research and theories, you are required to explain how that topic applies to this case. For example, if the group picks the OB topic of motivation, that group […]