
For Assignment 2 you will create a new product and provide how you would market your product. You will need to provide information on how your product is superior to your competitions product. 1) Define and explain each of the following tools/concepts below. The strategic planning processS.W.O.TMarket SegmentingTarget MarketingProduct PositioningOfferings: product, price, and service.2) Use […]

Case study on the branding of American Red Cross (a non-profit organization)

Question Write a case study on American Red Cross (focus on global brand not regional offices), answer these questions in essay form:1.    How strategic is this brand in the NGO marketplace? give examples of key differentiators of this brand from competitors? does it have good marketing and branding consistency of look + feel and key […]

digital marketing ; Develop an Innovative Marketing Initiative Using the Access Strategy

Develop an Innovative Marketing Initiative Using the Access Strategy1.    Select a company or a business of a company. Why did you choose this company? What is the business challenge that you aim to solve with the Access strategy? 2.    What is your specific business objective? Is it changing the brand image, repositioning the brand, driving […]

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Final Project / Group Assignment Groups of three or four will collaborate to complete the final assessment. Groups can choose the company name of a Sport Nutrition Company. This Sports Nutrition Company is specialized in Nutritional Supplements for sporty people. The company offers a range of protein drinks and shakes in various flavours, […]