course project part 2

Prepare a two to three page written assignment that includes the following: Introduction to the assignment ( roles of the nurse, scope of practice)Describe the importance of the code of ethics in nursingIdentify the American Nurses Association Standards of Practice for the licensure you are obtaining (RN)Conclusion (reflect on the criteria of the assignment)Use at […]

Emergency Action Plan

Directions: Six months ago tornadoes tore through metropolitan Mobile. Luckily, University of Strops was largely unaffected, however after the disaster, the administration realized they needed to update their emergency action plan. The athletic director has asked your firm to create an emergency action plan for the department. Please read the attached articles regarding emergency management, […]

Simulation in Healthcare

Sometimes, challenges or issues in healthcare delivery are not prescriptive in nature and cannot be solved using pure optimization. Simulation provides healthcare administration leaders and decision makers a method to evaluate problems using probabilistic components. For example, a primary care queueing problem might logically follow a Poisson process and be modeled using simulation techniques. For […]

Substantive additions on

Respond to the Subject below following the following topics. By adding substantive addition.1.First substantive addition: content Demonstrates high level of understanding related to original post. Adds information relevant to nursing practice. Demonstrates critical analysis. Based in evidence (2 points)2. First substantive addition: Writing mechanics Integrates at least one citation/reference from evidence-based source other than required […]