Legislator Letter

Competency Differentiate the legal and professional policies influencing healthcare decisions. Scenario You recognize your role as a client advocate and have decided to work with the American Nurses Association related to health policy issues. You choose to write a letter to your national legislator in your voting district addressing legal policies associated with genetic discrimination […]

Clinical Case Study

Write-up a CCS using the following outline format. Your response should be factual and concise (brief but comprehensive). You are required to use at least one other source besides your textbook. For additional online resources, consider the web sites provided on the External Links page and/or the Chapter Weblinks provided on the Course Materials page. […]

Ethical Considerations(Power Point)

Scenario You are a nursing manager of the education and innovations department at a large nonprofit academic medical center. You do work at the flagship hospital, but there are three additional campuses and several affiliated facilities throughout three additional states. Therefore, technology is heavily relied upon for consistent and reliable communication for interdisciplinary care. Recently, […]

Police body camera

What are two effects short and long term effects of using police body cameras? What are two causes of police body cameras? Read the following articles to get an ideahttps://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/04/cameras-provide-hard-evidence-of-prejudice/391763/https://reason.com/2013/08/30/watched-cops-are-polite-cops-2/https://cornellsun.com/2017/02/09/cornell-university-police-wearing-body-cams-hope-to-increase-student-trust/

Analysis paper

Question: During the late 19th century industrialization, urbanization, westward expansion and immigration from Europe increased the populations of American cities.  Issues of poverty, crime, sanitation and labor unrest were addressed by Progressives who believed they knew what was best for society.  What are some of the specific ways that these people attempted to solve these […]