Apple Products as a Publicly Traded Company

Apple Products as a Publicly Traded Company

Project instructions:
For the publicly traded company “Apple Products” find the following facts and write a 1-2 page double spaced (font size 12) paper using the template provided below. Also list the facts at the end of your paper as a fill in the blank.


? Apple was founded _________________.

? The current CEO is ________________. His/her salary is _______ and his/her total compensation is__________.
? The 52-week high and low for Apple stock was ______ and _____, respectively.
? Apple’s stock symbol is ______.
? Apple has _______ employees.
? The ?Mean Recommendation? to buy or sell Apple?s stock was ______.
? Apple?s headquarters is located in ____ (city, State).
? Apple?s largest shareholder is _______ and he/she/it owns _______ shares.
? The main products/services of Apple. is/are _______________________.
? Based on the Dow Jones Index Group Center categories, Apple is in the ________ sector.